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  • Visits are between 09:00 and 22:00.

  • For the health of our patients and to prevent interruptions in treatments, visitors are not allowed to bring scented food and drinks from outside.

  • For the health of your patient, please take care to keep the visits short.

  • For the comfort of other patients receiving treatment in our hospital, it is necessary to be sensitive about not allowing more than two visitors to enter the patient room and not making noise.

  • During the treatment and examination procedures of our patients, visitors are expected to leave the room and show respect for the patient's privacy.

  • Flowers are accepted into the patient room according to the decision of the relevant primary physician according to the patient's illness and condition. Since accepting flowers is inconvenient, flowers are left in front of the room door.

  • Smoking is not allowed anywhere in the service areas of our hospital, including patient rooms. Visitors and companions who want to smoke are directed to areas outside the hospital.

  • If the patient desires food or drink other than the meal prepared by the dietician, it can be provided by the patient's relative and taken to the room with the knowledge of the physician.

  • People with contagious diseases or those with symptoms that support respiratory tract infection such as cough, sneezing, sore throat and runny nose should not be accepted as visitors. However, if the visit is critically important, the visitor may be allowed to visit by ensuring that the appropriate personal protective equipment is used.

  • For the health of our patients, children between the ages of 0-12 cannot be visited, and the hospital must be exited without waiting for the warnings of the staff at the end of the visiting hours.

  • It is strictly forbidden for our visitors to smoke inside the hospital and outside the areas determined by the hospital management.

  • In our hospital, sibling and child visitors are accompanied by at least one adult and in accordance with the visiting hours.

  • Companions must use hospital belongings and materials regularly and cleanly, legal action will be taken against the companion who damages hospital property.

  • Patients and their relatives should not speak loudly or make noise in the patient room and service corridors. In addition, the televisions in your rooms should be used in a way that will not disturb others.

  • Companions will not take their patients out of the hospital or change their beds without the request of the relevant physician or nurse.

  • No food or drink should be given to the patient without consulting the physician or nurse.

  • Companions should not speak loudly in patient rooms and corridors, and should not disturb the staff or other patients.

  • Companions should not use tobacco or alcohol in the hospital.

  • Patients should not be given any medication by visitors or companions without the knowledge of the physician/nurses.

  • When it is necessary to leave the hospital or the ward during the hospital stay, the physician/nurse should be notified by the companions.

  • The companion is obliged to comply with all the rules determined by the hospital.

  • In judicial cases, the patient can be accompanied by the persons authorized by the police officers with the permission of the police officers.

  • Visitors are accepted in intensive care units. However, the physician may impose a visit restriction considering the patient's condition. Since accepting too many visitors at the same time may pose a risk to the patient's health and safety, the number of visitors is decided by the physician on an intensive care unit basis.

  • The duration of visits in intensive care units should be limited to a reasonable and shortest period possible, 15 minutes. should not exceed. During this time, the patient's relative is informed in an understandable manner about the patient's condition by the relevant healthcare personnel. Only in emergencies should the visit in the intensive care unit be stopped earlier.

  • Before entering the intensive care unit, the patient visitor should wear a gown, mask and use hand antiseptic.

  • Taking photos and videos during intensive care visits is strictly prohibited.

  • Children under the age of fifteen (15) are not allowed as visitors to adult intensive care units.

  • Intensive Care Units Visiting Hours;

  • In General Intensive Care (Internal Medicine and Surgery) Units; once a day between 14:00 -15:00,

  • In the Coronary Intensive Care Unit; twice a day (12:15-12:45, 17:30-18:00),

  • In the Cardiovascular Surgery Intensive Care Unit; once a day between 18:00-19:00 and at times deemed appropriate by the physician, visitors can be allowed.

  • Visiting hours may change with the approval of the Chief Physician, depending on emergencies, infection precautions, and Ministry of Health notifications.

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