PRP Application
PRP; (Platelet Rich Plasma) is the process of taking a small amount of blood from the person's body, separating the blood's plasma through a special process, and returning it to the body by injection. The resulting plasma is very rich in cells called "platelets".
Over time, as we get older, the rate of cell renewal decreases and therefore the healing process of wounds and the treatment of diseases are prolonged. With the PRP method, rapid solutions can be provided to people by accelerating cell renewal and thus shortening the treatment process.
Platelet cells also mean platelets. With this method, various injuries such as tendon injuries are treated more quickly.
PRP, which is also applied for skin rejuvenation, paves the way for people over a certain age to have a younger appearance by enabling the body to accelerate cell renewal. Another issue where PRP application is used is hair health.
PRP application, which can be used against problems such as hair loss or hair loss, is used quite frequently today. As Yücelen Hospitals, we continue to provide services to the whole world with our specialist physicians in this field.
To Which Parts of the Body Can PRP Be Applied?
PRP is mostly applied to the face, neck and hair area. It is also applied to other body parts such as the décolleté area, hands, inner legs and arms.
To ensure rapid healing of the skin immediately after applications such as laser and peeling,
To reduce wrinkles on the skin caused by aging and photo damage, and to restore the skin's elasticity and brightness,
It is applied to accelerate the healing process in chronic wounds.
It is applied aesthetically for purposes such as preventing hair loss.
How is PRP Treatment Done?
As a method of application, PRP is applied by injecting a small amount of blood taken from the person and injecting it under the skin, into the tissue, into the tendon or into the scalp in hair treatments, depending on the area to be applied.
PRP, obtained from the person's own blood, delivers platelets in excess of the amount that can be carried through the bloodstream to the area that needs repair, ensuring rapid regeneration. With PRP application, the collagen structure in the application area is strengthened. The first step in the process is to separate the platelets and plasma from your blood. Once this is completed, PRP is drawn into a syringe and the area is prepared for injection.
Various detection methods such as ultrasound can be used to precisely determine the area to be injected. Although it varies from time to time depending on the area to be applied, it can also be applied by mixing it with local anesthesia.
After PRP applications, the person can continue his daily life normally. It is observed that the wounds or discomfort heal faster after the application.
How many sessions it takes to complete the PRP application varies depending on the person's age, the disease and the area to be applied. The treatment process is usually completed in 2-4 sessions, and this number may vary depending on age and details of the area to be treated.
Your body renews its plasma roughly every three days, so you should try to eat healthily during this time before treatment. Depending on the nature of the problem, PRP can be applied to several areas with small injections. For deeper injections, an anesthetic injection may be given first to make the procedure more comfortable.
Generally, PRP application is completed in less than an hour. Genetic, environmental, age-related, stress-related, alcohol and smoking-related factors negatively affect metabolism and slow down cell renewal. P.
RP causes increased production and regeneration effect in the tissue where it is applied. Platelets have restorative effects. The main purpose of PRP treatment is regeneration. Thus, a tighter and brighter skin, reduced sagging, reduced wrinkles, lighter skin spots and reduced scars are observed.