Ozone Therapy
Ozone is a colorless gas and consists of three oxygen atoms. It is also used in the treatment of medical diseases and the treatment of diseases related to the immune system, infectious and circulatory system, and wounds on the body. There are no known serious side effects.
Who Can Apply to Ozone Therapy?
Ozone therapy service provided in our polyclinic is used for cancer, cardiovascular diseases, circulatory diseases, hypertension, allergy and sinusitis, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, rheumatic joint diseases, alzheimer, hepatitis, cystitis, migraine, chronic pain, inflammation, rheumatic diseases, fibromyalgia, allergy, chronic It can be given to people with fatigue syndrome and intestinal diseases. Ozone therapy cannot be applied to people with glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme deficiency, alcohol addicts, and individuals with uncontrolled cardiovascular disease.
How is Ozone Therapy Applied?
Ozone therapy is applied with a session system. Session frequency, interval and duration may vary from patient to patient and depending on the recovery process. There are various methods of ozone therapy applied in our hospital. These are major autohemotherapy, minor autohemotherapy, rectal insufflation, bagging and injection therapy. In major autohemotherapy and minor autohemotherapy methods, certain amounts of blood taken from the patient are combined with ozone and then this mixture is given back to the patient by injection. The amount of blood taken from the patient varies depending on the major and minor application. Rectal insufflation is the administration of ozone gas to the patient rectally (anally). Bagging is the direct application of the area to be treated by placing it in an ozone-resistant, moisturized closed bag and continuously injecting ozone into the bag.
It allows the application of both high and low doses of ozone on the skin. The injection method is applied by administering ozone through intramuscular, intra-joint and subcutaneous injection. It ensures the renewal and strengthening of ligaments, cartilages, muscles, tissues and joints. Our internal medicine specialist will decide and help you with the most appropriate treatment method and frequency after the examination.