There is an electric current in our brain that performs all our operations. While the electric current in our brain ensures the regular functioning of the whole body, it can be negatively affected by some genetic or environmental factors or traumas and cause it to work irregularly. Sometimes, due to personal differences or environmental factors, unwanted electrical current in the wrong place can be much higher than normal. When brain waves do not work regularly, anxiety, mood disorders, obsessions, panic attacks, etc. such as psychological; learning disabilities, attention deficit, hyperactivity, sleep disorder, lack of appetite awareness, short-term memory problem, forgetfulness, etc. like mental; regional visual impairment, loss of sensation, tension headache, sleep apnea, hypertension, etc. may cause discomfort. In Neurofeedback treatment, also called biofeedback, neurotherapy or cognitive enhancement, the person receives visual, auditory and tactile feedback when the brain waves are disrupted. Neurofeedback is actually a body training. With this method, it is ensured that the body works in harmony with the brain. When this permanent learning system is applied with the help of sensors several times a week, the brain learns again. There are a number of sensors, and when these sensors are connected to the human body, physiological information about the human body immediately begins to appear on the computer screen. It takes at least half an hour for it to see its own parameters and begin to learn how to bring them back to normal. If this exercise is done 10-20 times, this may vary from person to person. Sometimes it can be learned 30 times, sometimes 40 times. When the body learns this, it starts to use it on automatic pilot. With neurofeedback treatment, it can be applied to drug, alcohol and cigarette addicts without the use of medication or as an additional treatment to the medications used. In these studies, where the method of changing beta and alpha waves was applied, it was observed that the rate of relapse into substance addiction within one year was lower. In addition to the rehabilitation treatment of children with mental disabilities such as autism and Down syndrome, supporting them with neurofeedback, especially at the initial stage of the disease, prevents the progression of such disorders, although it is not a hundred percent cure.