Neurology is a branch of science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases arising from the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles originating from the spinal cord. The nervous system is a system that manages the body and is very complex with its structure and functioning. Examining this system is to elucidate its functions. Diseases affecting the brain, spinal cord and surrounding nerves (tumor, inflammation, accidents, etc.) are generally the same things.
However, the shape and width of the defect in the body varies depending on the function of these structures. What is seen in the disorders of the surrounding nerves is the decrease in strength and sensation in the area where that nerve goes. Again, due to its nervous effect, sweating and blood flow are disrupted in these areas.
The reason for this is that the vegetative nervous system fibers are also carried within the surrounding nerves. The spinal cord is a main pathway that carries sensation from the organs to the brain and motor (movement-related) stimuli from the brain to the surroundings. Disorder in this area causes loss of strength, loss of sensation and inability to perform vegetative functions. In addition, the person with a spinal cord injury loses urinary and fecal control.
Diseases of the brain can be general or local. While this tumor or trauma (injury, injury) causes various symptoms with local effects, brain inflammation (encephalitis) or poisoning will cause symptoms that affect the whole body. The nervous system is divided into two: peripheral and central. Neural networks originating from the brain and spinal cord and extending to the farthest points of the body constitute the peripheral nervous system. Neurons, which constitute the smallest unit of both the central and peripheral nervous systems, have different shapes and functions depending on the region they are located in. Any physical or functional disorder occurring in neurons located in any part of the body falls within the scope of the neurology department.
Neurology is a clinical medical branch that deals with all kinds of health problems involving all structures and organs that make up the nervous system. Therefore, he has a very wide area of expertise. For this reason, it is divided into some subgroups. In this way, it allows diagnosis and treatment processes to be carried out by specialist doctors who have experience in more specific subjects.