Migraine is a common headache that occurs in both men and women and usually occurs in attacks. Migraine attacks may occur 1-2 times in some people and many times a month in others. Migraine is more common in women. Migraine pain can also be at a level that interferes with a person's normal life. Sometimes a person just wants to lie down and sleep in a dark place due to the intensity of the pain caused by migraine. A long process and specialist doctor's control are very important for a complete migraine diagnosis. It may affect headache, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to sound and light.
What are the causes of migraine?
Migraine has long been explained as a disease related to the vascular or nervous system. The approach that attributes the disease primarily to the nervous system argues that the primary factor responsible for migraine attacks is a center in the brain that controls vascular tension. It has also been suggested that the response in the nervous system or vascular system occurs as a result of the release of some substances such as serotonin, histamine, prostaglandins, clotting factors, endorphins and monoaminoxidases.
A personal predisposition or tendency and low pain threshold due to hereditary factors are also important in the formation process of migraine. Therefore, in many cases, it is completely impossible to predict a migraine attack. A variety of factors can trigger a seizure. Excitement, physical or mental fatigue, exposure to the sun, indoor environment, cigarette smoke, sudden movement, climate change, noise, change in habits and some foods may be factors.
What are the Treatment Methods for Migraine?
Treatment is done with medications to reduce migraine pain and medications to prevent migraine attacks, and the treatment of migraine has become much easier today. Migraine medications are medications that you should always carry with you. These medications should be used when migraine attacks begin. In all cases, it is important to use the prescribed medications in the specified amounts and shapes. Additionally, other medications and alcohol that may interact with migraine medications should not be used. Apart from drug treatment, relaxation exercises, sports, avoiding alcohol and cigarettes, adequate and quality sleep and a regular life are also supportive factors in migraine treatment. You should not forget to consult a doctor for treatment.