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Movement Disorders

Movement disorders are defined as abnormal movements seen during voluntary or involuntary movements. Although they are grouped under different groups according to the affected area and their characteristic features, movement disorders are rarely limited to one type, and often several types coexist.

Transient and Developmental Movement Disorders Headnodding Sleep myoclonus Jitteriness Shuddering Paroxysmal tonic upgaze of infancy Spasmusnutans Benignparoxysmaltorticollis Benignidiopathic dystonia of the infant Sandifer syndrome Paroxysmal Movement Disorders Tic and tourette syndrome Motor stereotypes Hyperkinetic and Hypokinetic Movement Disorders Korea Athetosis Ballismus Dystonia Myoclonus Tre purple Ataxia TIC Tics are non-rhythmic, stereotypic, short-lasting, purposeless It is defined as involuntary movements (motor tics) or sounds (vocal tics) that appear suddenly, have a sudden onset, and involve one or several muscle groups.

It is the inappropriate occurrence of some of the normal motor movements and sounds in inappropriate environments. They differ from other movement disorders in that they are quite stereotypical and can be suppressed voluntarily, even for a short time. Unlike other movement disorders, tics may occur during sleep, although their severity and frequency decrease. It is so common that it can be seen in 5% of school-age children.

As we get older, tics tend to plateau and disappear. It can be seen in three types. Transient tics: Transient tics are the most common tics in childhood and involve a single muscle group. It most often appears as eye blinking, throat clearing sound, head tilt or facial movements. It increases with stress and disappears during sleep. It can be suppressed voluntarily for a while. It disappears within weeks or months. No treatment required. Chronic motor tics: These are tics that last for more than a year and affect 1-3 muscle groups. It can continue throughout life. Tourette syndrome is a familial/genetic disease in which various verbal and motor tics occur together. The disease begins between the ages of 2 and 15. The four major symptoms of the disease are motor tics, vocal tics, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit and hyperactivity. Some of the symptoms appear with age. Motor or vocal tics: If they are at a level that affects the child's social and academic relationships, drug treatment is required. In the first step, the concerns of the family and the child should be resolved and psychological support should be provided.


It is described as a hyperkinetic movement disorder that is involuntary, fluid-continuous, and variable in speed and direction. Although it is seen in all parts of the body, there are areas where it is characteristically affected in certain diseases and disorders. Choreic movements worsen during voluntary actions. If the amplitude of this involuntary movement is large and involves the proximal part of the extremity, it is called ballism. Choreic and ballistic movements sometimes occur together or may follow each other during the course of a disease. If one half of the body is affected, it is called hemiballism. The person sometimes makes a semi-voluntary movement (such as touching his own face) to mask the involuntary choreic movement, this is called parakinesia.


Dystonia is a movement disorder characterized by simultaneous contractions of involuntary muscles that work in opposition to each other, causing repetitive involuntary movements or temporary or permanent abnormal postures. While dystonic movements increase with fatigue and stress, they decrease and disappear during sleep. It has three important components. A certain pattern, muscle group involvement. Movement-body specific. Touching certain parts of the body can end the dystonic spasm. It is a progressive disease that starts in childhood and shows significant improvement with L-dopa. Walking disorder due to dystonia typically in the feet. The symptoms become more pronounced over time. It is better in the morning and in the afternoon. There is increasing deterioration.


Ataxia is the inability to perform voluntary movements smoothly and balancedly. It may result from involvement of the cerebellum and its connections, spinal cord lesions, peripheral sensory loss, disorders involving the major input system coming from the frontal lobes to the cerebellum, or pathologies in the combination of these systems. Cerebellar ataxia is also an unbalanced, unstable, wide-based gait. They walk by dragging their feet without lifting them off the ground because they feel like they might fall down at any moment. Imbalance becomes more evident during sudden stops and turns. The patient has difficulty standing with his feet together. The character of the walk does not change whether the eyes are closed or open.

In cerebellarvermis lesions, the patient walks by swaying left and right. In lesions in the hemispheres, the extremity on the side of the lesion is hypotonic and the patient may fall on the side of the lesion. Sensorial ataxia is a gait that occurs because the deep sense position sense is impaired in the lower extremities in lesions of the peripheral nerves, posterior roots, posterior column of the medulla spinalis, medial lemnicus and parietal lobe. It becomes evident when the eyes are closed. The gait is broad-based and the patient leans forward. In ataxia evaluation; It would be appropriate to evaluate it in acute ataxia, subacute ataxia, intermittent ataxia, congenital nonprogressive ataxia, and chronic progressive ataxia groups. The definition of acute ataxia is used when ataxia appeared several days ago. Among the causes of infection-related ataxia, acute cerebellar ataxia is the most common in children. It develops within 1-3 weeks after viral and other infections (chickenpox, mumps, parvovirus, epstein-barr virus) and is usually seen in children between the ages of 1-4. It begins suddenly and ataxia is at maximal level at the very beginning. It may be mild or severe. Even if it is heavy, consciousness is clear.


Tremor is an involuntary, rhythmic oscillatory movement that occurs as a result of alternating or synchronous contraction of agonist and antagonist muscles that move a body part.

It may occur or increase at rest or during movement. Rest tremor: When the limb is fully supported against gravity, Action tremor: It occurs during various types of movement, Postural tremor: When the limb is held in a certain position, Kinetic tremor: During voluntary movement towards a certain target, Intentional/terminal tremor: During movement of the limb towards the target, Isometric Tremor: Occurs only with muscle contraction without movement Task-specific tremor: Occurs while doing a specific task (writing, playing a musical instrument) Rubral tremor: Wide amplitude, seen at rest and during movement, Myorhythmia: Slow (1-3 Hz) continuous rhythmic tremor. It indicates brainstem pathology. Trembling: Jaw tremor.


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