Post-Covid Check Up Program
Post-Covid Check Up Program
Internal Medicine Specialist Doctor Examination
Chest Diseases Specialist Examination
Cardiology Specialist Doctor Examination
Eye Diseases Specialist Examination
ENT Specialist Examination
Physical Therapy Specialist Doctor Examination
It is the main indicator in the treatment of anemia and blood diseases.
Detection of inflammation and infection in the body
It is the most important of the metabolic parameters.
Full Urine
Early diagnosis of kidney and urinary tract diseases
Alanine AminoTransferase (ALT)
It is a liver function test.
Aspartate Transaminase (AST)
It is a liver function test.
Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)
It is a liver function test.
Alkaline Phosphatase
Diagnosis of liver, biliary tract, heart and kidney diseases
It is a kidney function test.
It is a kidney function test.
It is used to monitor Heart and Infectious Diseases.
It is an indicator of heart muscle damage.
It is an indicator of heart muscle damage.
It is an indicator of heart muscle damage.
Serum Ferritin Level
It is an important marker in the course of COVID-19 disease.
It may be an indication of worn-out lung tissue.
Prothrombin Time
It is a measure of blood clotting.
It is a measure of blood clotting.
Blood Gas Analysis
It shows the pressure, pH, oxygen saturation and metabolic structure of the blood of gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Sars IGG + IGM
It can be used to determine the immune response to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Aspergillus and Cytomegalovirus Research
Aspergulitis and cytomegalovirus infections are more common after COVID-19 Infection.
It is used in the diagnosis and follow-up of heart failure.
It is a new and improved diagnostic method for the diagnosis of bacterial infections and sepsis.
Interleukin 6
Its height indicates the degree of cytokine storm.
Natriuretic Peptides
Natriuretic Peptides are biomarkers that can be elevated in heart failure and severe respiratory failure.
Radiological Examinations
Lung P.A.
It shows the damage to the lung tissue after COVID-19 infection.
Thorax CT
It indicates damage to the lung tissue.
Respiratory Function Test
It is used in lung diseases to determine loss of lung function.
Cardiological Examinations
Stress ECG
Evaluation of ischemic heart diseases according to a specific exercise program.
Detection of heart rhythm irregularities
Coronary Angiography (If necessary)
It allows imaging the condition and blockages of coronary arteries with an invasive method. It is performed through an arm vein.
It shows the condition of the heart valves, heart muscle and their functional properties.
6 min. walking test and oxygen saturation monitoring
Shows lung functions.
Sputum Analysis
It indicates the presence of infection.
24 Hour Holter Test
It shows the condition of the coronary arteries and arrhythmia problems.
Fundus Examination
It is an indicator of the damage caused by COVID-19 at the bottom of the eye.
Hearing test
Covid-19 can cause hearing loss.
Heart Rate Variability Test
It may be useful to detect heart-rhythm problems that may occur with some drugs used in the treatment of COVID-19.
Venous Duplex Imaging
During COVID-19 infection, disorders in the vascular endothelium may occur due to disease or medication. This may cause thromboembolic events. It is a method of vascular imaging.