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Uzm. Dr. Abdulla Arslan




04.2012 - 10.2012 Caldıran Devlet Hastanesi/ Van/Türkiye
02.2016 - 06.2017 Dokuz Eylul Universitesi Tıp Fakültesi – Kardiyoloji Bölümü- Uzmanlık Eğitimi
07.2017- 09.2019 Sirnak Devlet Hastanesi
11.2019 - 01.2023 Baskent Universite Hastanesi / Istanbul
01.02.23 - 01.2024 Acibadem Bakirkoy Hastanesi / Istanbul
01.2024 - 08.2024 Anadolu Hastaneleri Grubu; Eregli/Silivri
09.2024 - Muğla Yücelen Hastanesi / Muğla


09.2005 - 11.2011 Mersin Üniversitesi Mersin Tıp Fakültesi
02.2012 - 02.2016 Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Kardiyoloji Anabilim Dalı
09.2016 - 11.2016 Ospedale San Raffaele Kardiyoloji Bölümü İnvazif Merkez Gözlemci Olarak

English Reading: Good, Writing: Good, Speaking: Good
Arabic Reading: Bad, Writing: Bad, Speaking: Intermediate

Tıbbi İlgi Alanları

All Coronary Interventions (LMCA diseases, LAD proxımal, bifurcation, CTO, IVUS, Rotablator, Litotripsi (IVL))

Aortic Valve Disease (Procter)- TAVI
All Cardiac PaceMaker, ICD, CRT implantations, Biventricular device implantations
Other interventins:
EKOS, Mitraclip, Peripheral interventions: Carotis, EVAR, TEVAR, Cardiatis, Iliac, Femoral and Popliteal interventions, Intravascular Litotripsi (IVL), Rotablator



- Impact of severe tricuspid regurgitation on accuracy of echocardiographic pulmonary artery systolic pressure estimation (Echocardiography A journal of Cardiovascular Ultrasound and Allied Techniques-SCI E)

- Successful Treatment of Propafenone Intoxication With Intravenous Lipid Emulsion (Pharmacotherapy-SCI)

- Warfarin treatment in stent thrombosis (International Journal of the Cardiovascular Academy)

- Drug Adherence in Patients With Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation Taking Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants in Turkey:NOAC-TR (Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis- SCI E)

- Evaluation of drug adherence in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation according to geographic regions of Turkey: An analysis from NOAC-TR study (Medicine Science International Medical Journal)

- The opinion of Turkish cardiologists on current malpractice system and an alternative patient compensation system proposal: PCS study group (Arch Turk Soc Cardiol-SCI)

- The incidence and clinical features of anticancer therapy induced atrial fibrillation in patients with breast cancer without previously established cardiac disorder

- Oral amiodarone and propranolol in maintenance therapy of post-implantation tachycardia. An observational study (ilk isim)

- Re-evaluation of Cardiovascular Disease Risk and Primary Prevention Treatments with Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring in Primary Prevention Patients (ilk isim)


- AKS-ON study: retrospective screening laboratory data in patients who had passed acute coronary sendrom.

- Approach to malpractice system, and the patient compensation system proposal

- The ARCA Registry for Angina Pectoris

Klinik Araştırmalar:

- ODYSSEY Outcome Clinical Study

Olgu Sunumları:

- Therapy With New Device of Ultrasept Cardia in Two Patients Who Had ASD: A New In our clinic , our first experience with a new type of ASD device (Ultrasept Cardia)

- Pericardial cyst (II Cardio-spring, cardiology spring update) (Author as a speaker)

- Intermittant WPW Coexistence in a Patient with Survival of Sudden Cardiac Death and Early Repolarization (Yaşamı Devam Eden Ani Kardiyak Ölüm Geçirmiş ve Erken Repolarizasyon Bulgusu Olan Hastada İntermittant WPW Birlikteliği) - (Ulusal Aritmi Toplantısı-International Arytmia Congress)

- Dynamic Left Ventricule Outflow Obstruction, Mimicking HOCM, After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation

- The incidence and clinical features of anticancer therapy induced atrial fibrillation in patients with breast cancer without previously established cardiac disorder (ESC 2022)

- Use Of Multılayer Stent And Fenestrated Endograft In A Sıngle Sessıon To Treat Long-Segment Aortıc Aneurysm (KVAK- IAYC Congress 2022)

- How We Managed An Acute İschemic Stroke Event During Tavi Procedure

Kitap Bölümleri

- KALP 1. Baskı - (HEART 1st Edition) - Complications and solutions in cardiac interventions / Koroner Anjiyografi Ve Girişimsel Tedavilerde Komplikasyonlar Ve Çözümleri-Koroner Komplikasyonlar

- Digital examinations in Heart Failure / Kalp yetersizliği Yönetiminde Dijital Tabanlı Uygulama Örnekleri (2020 Türkiye klinikleri)

- Graves’ Disease and Cardiac Complications (IntechOpen)

- Cardiovascular Disease Hand Book 5th Edition – Translational Chapters (Kardiyovasküler Hastalıklar El kitabı 5. Baskı –Çeviri Bölümleri)

- HEART 2nd Edition - KALP 2. Baskı – Complications and solutions in cardiac interventions / Koroner Anjiyografi Ve Girişimsel Tedavilerde Komplikasyonlar Ve Çözümleri-Koroner Komplikasyonlar

- HEART 2nd Edition - KALP 2. Baskı - Mechanical Complications after Myocardial infarction / Miyokard Enfarktüsü Sonrası Mekanik Komplikasyonlar

- HEART 2nd Edition - KALP 2. Baskı- 5. bölüm WPW Preeksitasyon Sendromları


- A rare complication in the patient made TAVI because of severe aortic stenosis (1. Society of Cardiovascular Academy)

- The severe coronary artery dissease in adolescents with type IIa familial hiperlipidemia


- What is the predictive value of mortality of Fragmanted QRS in pulmonary tromboembolism


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