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Electromyogramy (Emg)

Electromyogram is defined as the electrical activity that occurs on the muscles in case of rest and contraction. The system that records this activity is called an electromyograph, and this process is called an electromyography (EMG). It is a neurological examination method based on and testing the electrical potentials of the peripheral nerves and muscles.

Your doctor will first ask questions about your general health and basic complaints. Thus, it obtains information before making the necessary examinations for your symptoms.

Your doctor may request some additional diagnostic tests as a result of the findings he/she observes after the examination. This examination is applied to patients with a preliminary diagnosis such as lumbar and neck hernias, muscle diseases, motor neuron disease, neuropathies, nerve compression. Before the examination, the patient is informed and it is recommended that his/her hands and feet are warm and your skin is clean when making an appointment. They don't have to be hungry. According to the tests, it can take between 20 minutes and 1 hour.

EMG (electro neuromyography) is an examination consisting of two parts. Examines muscles and nerves. In the first part; calculates how fast the nerves transmit in the conduction study.

A very slight electrical stimulation is given to the nerve related to the electrode placed on the muscles. There is no harm to the patient. This examination is not performed only in patients with pacemakers because it may cause arrhythmia in the heart. In the second part, very thin specially made, disposable needles are used only for one patient. The activity of these muscles is checked by entering the necessary muscles. Needle EMG is applied only by the physician. In the needle EMG test, imaging is provided with the help of fine-tipped electrodes directed into the muscle. The examination may cause some discomfort to the patients. There may be bruising or bleeding at the needle insertion site. There are no anticipated side effects. There is no electrical excitation in this section. Coumadin-type drugs should be used with caution.

What Are The Areas of Use?

Median nerve neuropathy of wrist
Unlarneuropathy of elbow
Neuropathy of flours on the wrist
Radial neuropathy
Peroneal neuropathy
Femoral neuropathy
Tarsal tunnel syndrome
Facial trigeminal neuropathy
Motor neuron disease (als and variants)
Plexopathies (brachial plexus, lumbosacral plexus)
Proximal neuropathies (sciatic neuropathy )

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